Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When it rains, it pours...

This weekend was a bit of an eventful one.  Here is how it went down:

Quentin flew out to Virginia for one last house hunting attempt.  His first flight was cancelled.  In case you haven't seen, the east coast was slammed with a pretty heavy snow storm (the same one that visited all you folks in Oklahoma!).  It rarely snows in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area so no one knew what to do.  He finally made it, but he had to fly in to Washington DC and drive down to Norfolk from there. It is normally a 2.5 hour drive and it took Quentin almost 6 hours to drive it.

Day 1 (Sunday) of house hunting went well.  We found a house, and contacted the realtor to make an offer.  There was already a full price offer, so we told the realtor we wanted to offer more and it would be submitted first thing in the morning.  Quentin made the drive back up to Williamsburg (where his buddy, Kevin, lives) and on they way encountered some not so great road conditions.  Long story short, his rented PT Cruiser and a snow drift got in a fight and the snow drift won.  Cha-ching. We will be paying out a deductible and the rental rate for the days the vehicle is in the shop.

1:30 AM Monday morning.  I suddenly woke to Cooper having an awful coughing fit.  He was coughing so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.  I picked him up and he was on fire.  I took his temp.  101.8 - ok, not incredibly high but I decided to google it.  Three sites said anything over 101 for ages 3-6 months seek medical attention.  Cooper was still wheezing so I made the call to go to the ER.  I woke Ady up, put on her socks, shoes, and coat, loaded Coop into his car seat and off we went.  The ER was empty lucky for us, but it still took two hours and chest x-rays for them to decide that he needed to monitored overnight.  At Cardinal Glennon Children's hospital in St. Louis.  So I asked them where it was and how to get there and they informed me that they would be transpoting us in an ambulance.  Me, two kids, two carseats, diaper bag and purse all in the back of an ambulance.  We get there and they tell me Adyson cannot come to the room.  Right.  4AM I am by myself, no car, Q is in VA, and it is the middle of the night.  It took until 7:00 for them to get the order and move us upstairs and by then it was "visiting hours" so Ady was allowed to stay.  They brought us breakfast and while I wasn't impressed, Ady sure enjoyed the cinnamon roll.

Day 2.  (Monday)We sent in an offer and they had already ratified the contract with the first offer.  Back to square one.  Back up plan.  Look at more houses.

By now Cooper is on an IV and has had a second set of chest x-rays.  He is miserable, and refusing to eat and sleep.  Ady is tired, hungry, and bored.  Jayme to the rescue!!  Jayme (on of our awesomely awesome neighbors) came and picked Ady up and brought her back home.  They took care of Shasta and later Ady went to play with Brady.  Meanwhile my mom scrambled and got a flight out of OKC and she would be landing at 7:10. And just in case that didn't work out Carla was waiting by the phone keys in hand to make the drive.  Jayme to the rescue again, she manged to get the Trailblazer from the hospital to my garage AND she picked mom up at the metro and brought her home. 

We made an offer of a second house (this is the 3rd offer we have made now) and we are still waiting.  They turned down an offer a month ago for more than we are offering, but we offered a fair price based on comps and we will just have to see what happens. 

Cooper was discharged from the hospital around noon and we make our way home.  The kiddos were so tired that they both zonked out on the way home and stayed asleep for a couple hours after we got here.  The final diagnosis was that Cooper definitely has bronchiolitis and maybe RSV.  The initial RSV test was negative, but they said it is not uncommon to get a false negative on the preliminary test, but we wont know for sure for about 5-7 days when the results come back.

It is times like this I remind myself how lucky I am to have wonderful friends and family.  Thank you all for your support, thoughts, and prayers when I needed them the most.  

1 comment:

  1. You've had quite a crazy ride the past few days, but knowing you, I'm sure you handled it all in stride. Sorry you had to deal with all that hon. Hope your little Coop gets better soon!
