Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Oh, how I am quickly learning to dread that word in a certain tone... 

Two days ago, when Ady called for "Mommy?!?!" there were half a dozen goat pellets on the floor.

Really, could it get any worse?

Today, while cutting up some chicken in hopes of actually getting to eat it, Adyson was at it again.  I left the living room where she was zombied out (or so I thought) in front of cartoons and went to make my lunch.  A minute later, here comes Ady, sneaking up behind me as I am cutting up a chicken breast.  "Mommy?!?!" (in her sweet innocent tone) and I turn around to this:

Before I can even say a word, she says "I think we need to throw these away" and hands me the two markers she has used as lipstick.  (We always threaten her that we will throw her toys away if she doesn't play right with them)  All I could do was laugh.  I tried to be real serious and tell her she was naughty, but I am not sure she bought into it with a huge smile on my face.  Luckily, we only own washable, non-toxic markers (which have now been taken away) - and now I know why.  The marker came off with a wipe no problem.

I am just glad it wasn't on the walls, carpet, furniture, clothes, or Cooper!!

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