Sunday, January 30, 2011


This morning I ran 8 miles.   On trails.  Pushing the double stroller. 

That's all. 

You can see my run HERE.

Ok, not really.  I wasn't really sure I was going to make it back to the end.  I turned around at 4 miles and headed back and at just shy of 6 miles, Ady had to pee.  So we stopped, busted out the folding potty (LOVE that thing) and she did her business.  We hit the trail again, but all my momentum was gone.  I hit a wall right at 6 miles.  I was sure I was going to have to crawl back dragging  the stroller behind me.  I sucked it up and started running again.  And it was horrible.  But I made myself keep going.  Once my watch chimed I was back in business and finished the 8 miles.  (My Garmin watch is set to chime every half mile)

This was my longest run to date.  I feel incredibly accomplished, but I am already sore. The stroller definitely adds some weight and drag. The stroller doesn't SEEM that heavy but it weighs 34 lbs and I put 60 pounds of kids in it. 

Also, once I hit the wall and was paying more attention to my watch than I should have been, I noticed at 6.13 miles my time was 1:14.  In November I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) and my time was 1:24.  So I shaved 10 minutes off my 10K time.... What's that??? Ah ha!!! Motivation to finish!! So we plugged along and made it back to our starting point. 

Everyone on the trails (which are very popular for running and biking) was very friendly and I think often amused that I was pushing a stroller while I ran. There was one group of bikers (3) that I must have seen 10 times (obviously they were looping me not vice versa) and the last time they past me I heard one guy say "I CANNOT believe she is still going!"    Several people asked me as we passed the 2nd time (most people run "out and backs" so you see them all twice) "How FAR are you going?!?!?!"  Of course they were surprised when I said 8 miles.  More motivation.

Once we finished, stretched, and loaded up I took the kids to Dunkin Donuts.  They LOVE Chocolate Munchkins (donut holes)!!  I didn't have a single bit, but I did splurge on a Latte Lite :) (And yes, they are in their pajamas! It was cold this morning!!!)

Anyway, I am very proud of myself and cannot wait for the approaching race days (at which I will NOT be pushing a stroller!!). 

And for those of you wondering... Anyone who WANTS to run, CAN!!!  I am.


  1. You're probably going to fly through that race since you won't be pushing a stroller! Pretty soon you're gonna be like that crazy lady pushing the kids in the stroller all over Vance! Did you ever see her?

  2. Jackie, you're my hero! The extra stroller and kids DO add a TON of extra weight. You'll be flying when your race(s) come up!! :) Great job, Lady!
