We are now "officially" cloth diapering Cooper. I have kind of a smorgasbord of diapers right now until I figure out what I like and what works for us. So far, so good. I have yet to have a cloth diaper leak.
As of now, I am a fan of the "hybrid" diapers. These are the gDiapers, Flip, and GroBaby (now GroVia but I have older ones that I bought used). In fact, I have bought nearly all these diapers used and have paid only a fraction of retail cost!! Yay!!
Right now we have:
4 All in One (AIO) Babyland SpongeBob diapers (one is not pictured)
1 Happy Heinys Pocket - Great diaper. (Cow print)
1 Pocket Babykick - I do NOT like this diaper - it is going in the sell pile (white w/ blue snaps) It just doesn't fit Cooper well...
2 BumGenius 3.0 Pockets - Love these. (Blue and Green)
1 Econobum - We haven't tried it yet...
2 Gro-Baby - Orange and the striped one in the last blog (not pictured) - I am undecided about these. I love the system, but the older inserts are kinda rough and bunch up really bad when washed. I am going to buy a couple of the new inserts and give them a try...
1 Flip - we are trying it out today after nap (green)
8 gDiapers - These are my favorite so far. We have Orange, Green, Blue, and Cream colored ones.
Other - lots of gCloth inserts (which I can use in any of the above mentioned diapers), gLiners, 5 prefolds (the old timey fold in thirds diapers), extra GroBaby insert and soakers.
We are quickly getting the hang of it and have even started to use cloth outside of the house!!
Good for you! Do you end up doing a ton of laundry? How do you like it overall?