Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Adyson got tubes in her ears yesterday.  Honestly, it was probably way harder on me than on her.  I was so worried about her being under general anesthesia for the first time I could hardly see straight.  She did awesome and the the surgery only took about 20 minutes (much to my relief).  Ady doesn't remember anything, at least when we ask her if she did any of the things they told us she did (smelled bubble gum scented gas, watched a movie, saw a flying fish) in the OR she says she didn't do them.   Here are a few pics we took yesterday.  Hoepfully, this is the end of her ear troubles... Now, if I can just get the doc to prescribe her some fitted earplugs.... Sigh.

Watching cartoons, waiting for the nurse to come get us...

Playing with the remote control

Watching tv again... Ady loves her cartoons!!

This one is right after they brought her out of recovery.  She was pretty grouchy, but it didn't last long.

1 comment:

  1. I remember getting tubes put in my ears too. I'm sure it was harder on you than her. Good job momma!
