Monday, February 22, 2010

Ady's "Spill"

So this is the whole story...

Adyson refuses to even try to poop on the potty.  Today, literally a minute after I sat down to nurse Cooper (who is totally watching Ice Dancing right now while sitting in his ExerSaucer), she told me she needed to poop and she wanted a pull-up (just like she always does).  She is getting pretty good at dressing/undressing herself so I told her she could put it on herself.  She got it on fine, but it was a little crooked so I tried to straighten it with one hand.  Cheapo Mommy bought generic pull-ups because all she does is poop in them.  I figured it would be fine. 

A couple minutes later Ady assumed the position behind the couch and went to pooping.  And then the conversation ensued:

Ady: Mommy?  Mommy!!  I think I spilled something.
Me: Ady, what did you spill?
Ady: Uh, I think I spilled poo-poos.

WHAT?!?! So I hurry and put Cooper down expecting a giant mess running down her legs on to the carpet and instead I find this:

Some days, you are thankful for strange things, and today... I am thankful for "goat pellet" poops!!

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