Sunday, January 25, 2009


It snowed today at our house, and Adyson was excited to finally get to play in the "noooooow"
(Basically say the word "snow" without the "s" sound on the front...) Last time it snowed, the
only time she got to play in it was in the parking lot at the grocery store, and it took us 30 minutes to get from the car to the front door, she had to step in every track and clump!! This is the first year she has really been old enough to play in it so I just let her play. So today, when she saw it snowing out the back door, she wanted to play immediately!! We didn't play until the afternoon when it was warmer (HA! if you can call 22 degrees warmer...) and she had a blast. It was so cold that the snow wouldn't even stick together to make a snowball!!! It only snowed about 1/2" so we got the broom out and swept it into piles so that Adyson would have more snow to play with. She had a blast, but absolutely HATED coming inside. She threw a huge fit, and based on her screaming, the neighbors probably thought I beat the tar out of her (but I didn't). Hopefully we get some "real" snow soon and we can build a snowman... Guess we'll have to wait and see!!


  1. One of the main reasons I dislike OK so much is the lack of snow. Today we're getting this gross sleet crap that makes things slipperier than snake snot, but not pretty, like snow does. I miss the snow. Happy playing!

  2. Well Ady no snow at Grandma's house, but we have enough ice to go ice skating!

  3. Looks as if she was having fun.
    Give her hugs and kiss from Me-Maw.

  4. looks like she likes bein out in the snow! Hope you guys are doin good! I miss you!
    Love Amber

  5. First snows are so much fun! :)
    So glad you shared it with us!
    Luv u lots!
